Industry Night Highlights

Sponsors, exhibitors, conference delegates, and invited trade visitors gathered at the LaunchPad in anticipation of Industry Night. During the networking event, tokens of appreciation were presented to CESG sponsors, and two award presentations took place. Congratulations to the winners of the Workforce Transformation Awards and NEA-Industry Scholarship Awards!

NEA Innovation Pavilion Showcases Cutting-Edge Projects

Not to be missed at the NEA Innovation Pavilion — Robots, mosquitoes, a boat, and more! Featuring 9 National Environment Agency (NEA)-supported R&D projects, there’s only one more day to check out these exhibits!


New zone at CESG Environment Expo: Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Global Connections

For the first time, the #CESG Environment Expo included a Landing Zone, designed to host forums, seminars, workshops, and master classes, to facilitate collaborative learning and the exchange of innovative ideas.

Investment NSW and Global Victoria hosted a half-day event today titled “Australia: Solutions for a Sustainable Future”, to celebrate global connections between Australia and Singapore companies in the Cleantech sector. During the 2 panel sessions and Tech Pitch, attendees learnt more about the trends, success stories and challenges of Australian Cleantech champions as they attempt to lead the global energy race to net zero.

Enterprise Singapore Innovation Track: Developing a Sustainable Circular Economy Through Partnerships

In case you missed it at CESG 2024, the Enterprise Singapore Innovation Track session, titled "Developing a Sustainable Circular Economy Through Partnerships," has successfully concluded! The session aimed to enhance awareness of the circular economy, and highlight the innovative technologies offered by companies in the waste management sector. Dedicated to advancing a circular economy through forming meaningful corporate partnerships, the panel featured esteemed speakers from various leading enterprises, SMEs and start-ups.

Category : CESG Live


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