CESG Expo Masthead Banner

Why Exhibit

Join us as an exhibitor to showcase cutting-edge environmental technologies and services to enable the drive towards green economy,
widen your network and expand your potential prospect across the region.


Icon_TradeAttendees icon_regions Icon_Exhibiting Companies Icon_LeadersInAttendance

Key Benefits

Icon_Global Reach and Industry Networking

Global Reach and Industry Networking

Connect with exhibitors, attendees, industry experts and businesses from around the world to exchange ideas, forge potential partnerships and gain a better understanding of buyers' needs.

Icon_Amplify Brand Awareness 

Amplify Brand Awareness

Through your exhibit, you will have the opportunity to showcase complex concepts in an accessible manner, fostering greater awareness and empowering individuals.

Icon_Pioneering Innovation and Solutions 

Pioneering Innovation and Solutions

Demonstrate cutting-edge environmental technologies and solutions that can spark collaborative projects, driving towards green economy.

Icon_Boost Sales and Revenue 

Boost Sales and Revenue

Maximise your profitability by leveraging our exhibition platform and translating innovative ideas into tangible business growth.

For exhibition enquires and space booking, please contact:

Adrian Tan

Tel: +65 6595 6322

Email: sales@cleanenvirosummit.sg